Terms and conditions
A booking does not constitute the creation of a contract and teacher reserves the right to decline to process a booking for any reason whatsoever. If the booking is not able to be fulfilled the teacher will promptly refund all monies.
Participant Cancellation
The fee will be repaid promptly and in full if your baby arrives before the course or in the very unlikely event of the course being cancelled. These are the only circumstances under which a refund will be made.
Course Cancellation
The teacher reserves the right to amend or cancel any course, course times, dates or published prices. Changes to course prices, times and dates will be advised before the course start date and any course already paid in full will not be subject to any price increase.
Using Hypnobirthing techniques is not a substitute for the advice of or the presence during birth or any part of pregnancy or labour of a qualified medical practitioner, midwife or obstetrician. It does not represent in fact or otherwise an alternative to appropriate medical care or for professional medical advice in any way shape or form.
I agree for Meghan Roe to hold my details on file and on computer in accordance with GDPR Guidelines May 2018.
I agree for photos taken during the course to be used on social media platforms.